Christinaseva Dykstra

Yoga & Breathing Classes Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:45 pm

Classes include a wonderful balance of gentle somatic inquiries & yoga poses, breathing discovery and tools, and deep rest including mindfulness and meditative relaxation. 

Move - Simple yoga asanas & somatic movement to release tension & enhance your sense of ease while discovering the joy of being

Breathe - Transform holding patterns & stress to free your natural breathing & improve awareness with gentle, safe & scientific methods.

Rest - Nurture yourself with mindfulness & deep rest through guided meditative relaxation & stillness, deepening your inner peace & presence.

Suitable for all levels, including complete beginners

Contact Christinaseva for booking details and any questions you may have:



Phone: 027 359 8507

About Christinaseva

As a Yoga and Breathing instructor for over 20 years, I have loved being witness to the transformation that emerges from gentle, scientific breathing and somatic movement and yoga.

I feel blessed to have studied and trained with the Self Realization Centres and in the last few years with Donna Farhi and Lisa Petersen, world-renowned teachers in embodied yoga and somatic movement. This leading-edge approach is accessible, simple and empowering.

I’ve never been more enthusiastic about teaching Breathing & Yoga and am loving being a part of the peaceful space of The Studio at Osteopathy Nelson.

Contact Christinaseva for booking details and any questions you may have:



Phone: 027 359 8507