Celebrating 150 Years of Osteopathy
Embracing Renewal: The Significance of Wood Element Spring Treatments in Worsley 5 Element Acupuncture
Springtime Gardening: Caring for Your Back
As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring beckons us to step outside and enjoy the beauty of our gardens. However, the excitement of gardening can often lead to strain and discomfort, especially in our backs.
Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic system of healthcare that has been practiced for thousands of years.
Cranial Osteopathy Beyond Babies: An In-Depth Look
Cranial osteopathy is often associated with the treatment of infants and young children, but its benefits extend far beyond early development. This gentle and effective approach to osteopathy offers a wide range of applications for individuals of all ages.
5 Common Desk Job Injuries and How Osteopathy Can Help
How the team at Osteopathy Nelson can help. Plus some self-help tips to aid your journey to health after experiencing whiplash.