Hands and Wrists
We can help with: carpal tunnel, wrist pain, hand pain, numbness in the hand, wrist RSI (repetitive strain injury), and arthritis in the wrist and hand.
Comprehensive Hand and Wrist Pain Treatment
We offer specialized treatments for a wide range of hand and wrist conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, finger joint pain, and repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
Common Hand and Wrist Conditions
The wrist and hand joints are particularly prone to RSI, especially if you spend many hours typing on a PC, tablet, or phone. Physical jobs that involve heavy lifting, fine machinery operation, or manual therapy can also contribute to RSI. This condition results from chronically tight and overused muscles in the forearm and hands, leading to ligament strain, inflammation, and pain.
If not managed well, RSI and other conditions can lead to the early onset of arthritis in the wrist or hand joints. These joints are often the first to be affected by systemic arthritis, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and the more common Osteoarthritis.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome manifests as pain, tingling, or 'pins & needles' in the hand, caused by compression of the nerves supplying the wrist and hand.
Symptoms in the wrist and hand can also result from nerve compression in the neck, where the nerves to the hand originate.
Our Osteopathic approach.
To accurately identify the cause of your symptoms and determine which structures are affected, our approach involves a thorough assessment. We start by gathering detailed information about how the problem started, its nature, timing, daily patterns, and factors that aggravate or relieve symptoms. We evaluate your body usage during work, exercise, and other activities, and consider any issues with your neck and upper limbs, your overall health, and any significant past events like accidents, injuries, or surgeries.
We then conduct a physical examination, observing and feeling your wrist, hand, and upper limb. We assess movement, noting any restrictions or pain, and perform special tests to evaluate the condition of nerves, joints, muscles, and ligaments. Once we establish a working diagnosis, we explain our findings to you, discuss how we can help, and determine if any referrals are needed.
Our treatment approach aims to improve freedom of movement, muscle tone, and circulation. We use specific massage, mobilization, and stretching techniques to enhance flexibility in joints and muscles, relieve tension, and ensure good circulation for effective recovery. During the session, we also provide advice on exercise, ergonomics, and lifestyle to aid recovery and maintain treatment results.
For RSI, our focus is on achieving repair faster than the wear and tear caused by daily activities. We empower you to manage this condition for the best possible outcome, especially if your job involves extensive use of affected joints and muscles.
Take control of your hand and wrist health with our comprehensive and personalized treatment plans. Book an appointment today to start your journey towards recovery and pain-free living.